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Evie's Incredible Journey to Independence

There are so many stories of overcoming challenges that we could share....and we plan to. Firstly let us introduce Evie, her story sums up WHY we do what we do perfectly!Evie is a strong and determined 12 year old young lady who has Cerebral Palsy causing weakness in her legs and making walking very difficult.

In 2012 Evie underwent a huge operation, a Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy. The aim of this operation was to reduce the spasticity or tightness in her leg muscles, with specialist Physiotherapy Evie could then strengthen up her weaker muscles. When we first met Evie in June 2015 she had recently moved house and needed a frame to support her and help her walk. Evie had started a new school and had 1:1 support all day every day, she was desperate to be more independent and would say she wanted to be 'just like her friends'.

Evie and her family have been a joy to work with and we have visited at home and at school depending on what suited her needs best at the time. Making Physiotherapy as fun as possible has been the key and engaging Evie throughout her journey has made sure she has always tried her hardest (well nearly always). Evie has carried out exercises and activities designed specifically for her by our specialist team, she has attended Rebound Therapy and used specialist taping techniques all to help her achieve what she walk around town with her friends, without an adult!

Drum roll please........she has done it. Evie has walked around her local town without any frame, crutches or sticks...just Evie and her friends! A truly amazing result!

And to top it all Evie is now at high school and no longer has 1:1 support, she really is 'just like her friends', and just like her friends she recently returned from a school trip to extra help needed!

Truly OUR WHY!

Although Physio is very tiring I do feel a lot better afterwards and it helps to have a Physio that I can have a laugh with and that I can talk to. I feel it is very beneficial.

From A.D

Lorna makes the hard work of Physio fun. She has children of her own and relates well to my 7 year old boy. He has made good progress since she started working with him.

From R.G

Thank you Lorna, I cannot recommend Positive Steps Physiotherapy highly enough to support anyone needing specialist physiotherapy help.

From R.C

Lorna has been my son's Physio for over 3 years. He has a complex medical history and I can not underestimate the impact that Lorna has had on his life and ours as a family.

From V.F

Lorna has been my Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist for a few years now. Her cheerful encouragement plus broad knowledge and experience helps me to make, 'positive steps,' on my own every day.

From R.C

Contact Us

Positive Steps Physiotherapy offers an initial free telephone consultation where we will find out more about you and get you started on your rehabilitation journey with us.


Positive Steps Physiotherapy
© 2025 – Positive Steps Physiotherapy Ltd – Company No. 12111767
Lorna Saunders Bsc. Hons, MCSP, MHCPC - Specialist Neurological & Paediatric Physiotherapist