The English Government updated it's guidance for healthcare settings on June 1st and removed the statutory requirement for facemasks to be worn.
Since March 2020, we have been following all Public Health England guidance closely and ensuring that we minimise the risk to our clients and their families as much as we possibly can. We understand fully how vulnerable some of our clients are and what a scary time it has been over the last 2 years. It may be even scarier now!
From today, as per our updated risk assessment (attached) if clients are comfortable we will no longer wear medical IIR masks nor disposable aprons and gloves. If we predict however that we may be in contact with any bodily fluids then we will continue to wear our full PPE.
Please be reassured that we will check with each and every one of our clients before we change our practice to ensure everyone continues to feel safe during our sessions.
All of our cleaning and hand hygiene procedures remain unchanged as does our twice weekly testing to ensure all our team are testing negative.
If you would like to discuss this update further then please contact Lorna Saunders on 07801238819.
Although Physio is very tiring I do feel a lot better afterwards and it helps to have a Physio that I can have a laugh with and that I can talk to. I feel it is very beneficial.
Lorna makes the hard work of Physio fun. She has children of her own and relates well to my 7 year old boy. He has made good progress since she started working with him.
Thank you Lorna, I cannot recommend Positive Steps Physiotherapy highly enough to support anyone needing specialist physiotherapy help.
Lorna has been my son's Physio for over 3 years. He has a complex medical history and I can not underestimate the impact that Lorna has had on his life and ours as a family.
Lorna has been my Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist for a few years now. Her cheerful encouragement plus broad knowledge and experience helps me to make, 'positive steps,' on my own every day.
Positive Steps Physiotherapy offers an initial free telephone consultation where we will find out more about you and get you started on your rehabilitation journey with us.